Focused on orchard-to-market excellence, Seeka is an integrated horticultural and produce company that grows, processes, distributes and markets high quality produce to world markets.
Seeka delivers premium returns to growers ensuring they receive the cost saving of a large scale business, while fulfilling individual grower’s needs. Our local experts are out under the canopy in all major growing areas (Bay of Plenty, Opotiki, Hawkes Bay, Gisborne, Coromandel and Northland). The team's shelter, soil, vine, tree, crop management experience and science based technical resources maximise production of avocados, kiwiberry and all kiwifruit varieties and includes organics.
Seeka offers professional orchard management services – from help completing seasonal tasks and industry Health and Safety requirements, through to full management and orchard development. Services are flexible and tailored for individual orchards and lifestyles, working to a yield driven management plan.
When crops are harvested, fruit is graded before packing and coolstoring in our high capacity sites. Our post-harvest team use the latest packhouse and cool chain technology to minimise costs and maximise the quality of orchard produce. Seeka’s advanced inventory management and quality controls ensure produce arrives to market in top condition.
Check out their website for more information.