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Complete the below application to become a member at TPGC

Membership applications are all online and no longer can be completed via paper due to online systems connected to the application process. 

Read about the membership categories here.

Please fill in the application form.  Once sent, an email will follow with more details.

Due to the high volume of applications, the processing of these can take at least 1 week.

Gender (as per Dotgolf)
Have you been a member of TPGC before?
Are you currently a member or have you been a member of a NZ Golf affiliated golf club?

Please refer to SUBSCRIPTIONS for more details on membership types and for applicable pricing.

Please indicate how you would like to pay your Subs

All memberships are managed on your NZ Golf login now. You will see options for payment here. 

Would you like to receive the Club newsletter?

Privacy Statement: The information collected in this form will be used in accordance with the principles of the Privacy Act of 1993. The information will not be used for any other purpose than for a lawful purpose connected to the Club. By submitting this form, you acknowledge your rights to view and amend the information.

Please tick:

Thank you for your application. An email will follow shortly.


Once you have sent your application, the Club will send you an email with more details and an invoice for your respective Membership/subscription amount.

The Club's bank account number is: 01-0451-0097964-000

Payments in full avoid the $5 per month admin fee included in the monthly option

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